I have to say I was so not looking forward to taking the birthing classes. I had actually signed up for classes at NYU which was once a week, for six weeks and each class was two hours or so. I canceled those classes and signed up for an all day Saturday/Sunday course at a place called Real Birth instead. Part of the reason was so we could just get it out of the way and part of the reason was because the class was called Birthing With Epidural. Perfect. It sounded like it wasn't going to be a too Hippy Dippy, I Am Woman Hear Me Birth" kinda class. I went fully expecting to have comedic material for both the blog and for telling stories.
But . . . here's the deal.
We loved it!
For a 12 hour class (6 hours Saturday and 6 hours Sunday) it completely held our attention and was incredibly well taught.
It was in fact, a little it hippy dippy . . . but in a really fantastic, empowering, informative way. The class was incredibly supportive of the partners role in laboring and birth. I think Todd came away from it feeling so much more comfortable with how this will all go down. I had prepared him continuously that he was not going to like the class and it would probably freak him out. But the opposite happened. The woman who taught it was amazing and used to be a lawyer and was very no nonsense.
We came away from it with a (tentative) plan, feeling very comfortable with the decisions (I think) we've made and with Todd and I being on the same page and feeling like we'll be in this together. Now I'm sure that will all go to hell from my first twinge of a contraction but one can hope we learned something this weekend.
So there -
Real Birth in NYC. They are fabulous.
Then we got home and Joey had a seizure and we rushed her up to the animal hospital - getting there just in time for her to be fine!! They checked her out. She's fine. I think she knew we were at baby class. It put a little burst in our happy place - but what can you do?
Next Saturday is newborn classes. Maybe that will give me fodder for material.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
Todd Robinson's wedding (that's right Todd RobinSON)
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Cinderella . . .OK, what was I thinking?

This is where the I Am Woman, I Am Strong thing kicked it. Of course not. I can do the shows. I'll be 8 1/2 months pregnant . . . not dead. Of course I'll do the shows. My mom was cool with it, my father, not so much. I got permission from three different doctors that this would be fine.
Two - thirty minutes shows a day was not the problem. It was the eight hours of rehearsal a few days before we went into the run that killed me. In my head, I had wonderful images of doing the show, pregnant-shmegment. Nothing would keep me down. Totally blocking out the whole rehearsal, load in / load out part of it. So, day one. After a few hours of rehearsal every part of my body was screaming. I'm thinking . . . I've made a horrible, horrible mistake by taking this on, I was SO done with it. My back hurt, my hips hurt, my ankles hurt. I had heartburn, I was over-tired and I had to pee every 7 and a half minutes.
Now, like I say, once we got to the actual performances with the orchestra, I was fine. So here for your viewing pleasure are a few pictures from Baltimore Symphony's 2008 Cinderella, featuring the Bob Brown Puppets.
(Then I'll throw in a picture of me doing it a few years ago to show that I didn't always look like a huge, gigantic, preggo -doing puppets - pure vanity - I know).
Rehearsal and over it
Below is how I looked in my head

Friday, April 4, 2008
Buy this book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Baby Nook
We have a nook now (nook now? say that ten times fast). AKA, The Baby Corner. So everyone that was thinking . . . "oh my . . . .how are they going to do it in that apartment"?
This is how.
This is how.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Baby Shower and best friends EVER!
So the shower was fabulous. Thank you to everyone that was there. We had a blast. I wish I could have spent more time with everyone but there were a lot of people. There were a ton of people that came from out of town and a handful that came across country to be with us. Kendra and Casey - it meant so much to me that you came in from the West Coast. My Aunt Sue in from Chicago. My family that all shoved themselves in one van and drove up just for the day. Rich, Pie, Susan and Marc were like our own stage crew behind us, throwing away wrapping paper and packing things in bags as we opened them. I loved that! Camron and Denise brought cakes which everyone enjoyed. A LOT. We have very funny and clever friends. From Don Becker's "The Mighty Phineas and Joey" gift (I will post a picture of it ASAP, it was hilarious) to Larry Engler's "Finn's Career Starter Kit" which consisted of a mini lightbulb, mini sword, mini balloons and a mini hand puppet. Plus Camron's "It's Just Like Comedy" and pinup onesie's. It was the perfect mix of things we desperately needed and things only our friends would do. I brought my camera and I was very excited about taking pictures. I took two. One of the cake and one of Kendra's baby sleeping in our crib. I am waiting for pictures from people but in the mean time, here are a few we've been sent. All of our friends ROCK so much and I am so glad all of you will get to be a part of Finn's life. Aaaand pregnancy hormonal tear falling right now. 

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