Saturday, January 24, 2009
some video updates
This is his new thing. When it's time to settle down, he takes that moment to totally be a spaz and work himself up. Here's a small (2 minutes) sample. This typically lasts about 45 minutes - of crazy child.
And last but not least; this is the child's love of phones. He has "accidentally" called two people (that we know of) already. We finally got wise and took the battery out of 1 of the 2 cordless phones and gave him my old cell phone to play with. Seriously? Why are toys made? If it not a toy and he's not supposed to have it, he is all about it.
Also, the crazy poem being read in the background was during the inauguration. Typically Todd and I don't sit around listening to poetry being read (we're just not that hip).
Friday, January 23, 2009
8 months old today!!!!!!!!!

Finn turned 8 months old today.
Here are the highlights;
*He's very big. I forget how large he is until I see him next to other kids his age. He is very, very, VERY long/tall. I (think) he's about 22 pounds. We're going to the doctor on Tuesday and I'll find out more.
*He is crawling on his elbows and knees but has not figured our how to lift his butt in the air yet. But he can get across the room if he wants to.
*He's eating everything (I have not given him strawberries, egg or peanut butter yet until he's a little older). He is a really good eater. And has not disliked anything yet. I'm giving him less and less "baby food" like Gerber and more and more grown up foods. He still nurses three times a day but unless I lay down in the bed with him, he treats me like a cocktail bar - sip, sip, play, roll, somersault, sip, sip, look at Todd, talk to Todd, sip sip, bend upside to see the TV, sip, sip, try to grab Joey. It's not fun.
*We're still working on the sleep thing. He is picture perfect for his naps. He goes down (almost without fail) at 9:30, 1:30 and 4:30. Then 7:30 for bedtime. Unfortunately he still wakes up once and sometimes twice a night. I've been ignoring him (which is so hard) and sometimes he goes right back to sleep and sometimes not so much . . .it's a work in progress.
*He can pull himself up to a standing position but it makes me nervous so I don't let him stand on his own unless I'm close by.
*I can't WAIT for winter to be over. We're a little cooped up here in the apartment. We try to go to baby classes a few times a week to get out and about. It will be great when the spring gets here and we can go the zoo and central park.
*He loves Todd more than anything in the world. I took a new job Company Managing a show called Garden of Earthly Delights. I'm gone every night from 6 to 9 so Todd does dinner, bath time and gets him down for the night. Then two or three days a week I'm gone during the day also. I come home between the office and the theater to nurse him and play for awhile, but Todd has been doing the lions share. I'm a very luck gal to have such a great baby daddy.
So here's my little babylet getting bigger and bigger.
Here are the highlights;
*He's very big. I forget how large he is until I see him next to other kids his age. He is very, very, VERY long/tall. I (think) he's about 22 pounds. We're going to the doctor on Tuesday and I'll find out more.
*He is crawling on his elbows and knees but has not figured our how to lift his butt in the air yet. But he can get across the room if he wants to.
*He's eating everything (I have not given him strawberries, egg or peanut butter yet until he's a little older). He is a really good eater. And has not disliked anything yet. I'm giving him less and less "baby food" like Gerber and more and more grown up foods. He still nurses three times a day but unless I lay down in the bed with him, he treats me like a cocktail bar - sip, sip, play, roll, somersault, sip, sip, look at Todd, talk to Todd, sip sip, bend upside to see the TV, sip, sip, try to grab Joey. It's not fun.
*We're still working on the sleep thing. He is picture perfect for his naps. He goes down (almost without fail) at 9:30, 1:30 and 4:30. Then 7:30 for bedtime. Unfortunately he still wakes up once and sometimes twice a night. I've been ignoring him (which is so hard) and sometimes he goes right back to sleep and sometimes not so much . . .it's a work in progress.
*He can pull himself up to a standing position but it makes me nervous so I don't let him stand on his own unless I'm close by.
*I can't WAIT for winter to be over. We're a little cooped up here in the apartment. We try to go to baby classes a few times a week to get out and about. It will be great when the spring gets here and we can go the zoo and central park.
*He loves Todd more than anything in the world. I took a new job Company Managing a show called Garden of Earthly Delights. I'm gone every night from 6 to 9 so Todd does dinner, bath time and gets him down for the night. Then two or three days a week I'm gone during the day also. I come home between the office and the theater to nurse him and play for awhile, but Todd has been doing the lions share. I'm a very luck gal to have such a great baby daddy.
So here's my little babylet getting bigger and bigger.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Finger foods
I've been trying more and more real people food for Finn. I was giving him little tiny bites of my turkey sandwich until I put my finger in his mouth to see that he was stock piling the pieces in his cheeks. So I scooped that out and have moved on to other non stock pile-able foods.
mashed potato and sweet potato are big hits (especially when he's given the whole bowl)
And today we had cousous and string beans
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
No, No Finn!
Although he's still not crawling or walking (but oh boy he wants to walk SO badly), he IS getting in to things. Every day I find myself saying "No, No Finn" more and more.
He is trying to pull himself up on to Todd's piano stool. I now know not to put my coffee up there. He can pull the whole stool into his lap before I go running across the room to stop him (or take a picture)
He is trying to pull himself up on to Todd's piano stool. I now know not to put my coffee up there. He can pull the whole stool into his lap before I go running across the room to stop him (or take a picture)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009
David Oliver dog
Our friend David bought us this gigantic stuffed dog. We've been using it every month to take Finn's monthly picture with (that are all over to the right of this blog). I did another set today and he has a whole new relationship with the stuffed dog. He was petting it and playing with it. He was cracking himself and me up.

Monday, January 5, 2009
walking Finnster
I got Finn a walker to use while we were in Virginia. He loves it SO much and gets a little faster every day. He is now running in it and it cracks me up.
Oh lord that child is cute.
Oh lord that child is cute.
2 weeks in Virginia
Well Todd, Finn and I are home. Finn and I were gone for a little over two weeks and Todd was in and out of town. It's time to get back to the real world.
Besides what I have already posted below, here are a few Virginia highlights.
Besides what I have already posted below, here are a few Virginia highlights.
I took full advantage of Grandma and got out and about to visit with friends. Finn had a knack for falling right to sleep while being rocked by my mom.

Finn and Grandpa and their love of magazines
One day we were down there the weather was in the high 60's. It was amazing. So we walked over to the playground.

This is his best puppeteer / bob brown / grandpa impression

This is his best puppeteer / bob brown / grandpa impression

Marina, Kendra & Krista AND NOW Elena, Walker & Finn
My friend Marina and I have known each other for about 22 years. She now lives in Switzerland and I'm in good ole' NYC.
Marina and I had our babies two weeks apart from one another. One would think it was planned. It was not.
Marina and I had our babies two weeks apart from one another. One would think it was planned. It was not.
My best friend Kendra and I had our babies 7 months apart.
(And for the record, my friend Shannon and I also had our babies two weeks apart - I don't know. . . there must have been something in the water. )
Marina and Krista (1991 ish)
(And for the record, my friend Shannon and I also had our babies two weeks apart - I don't know. . . there must have been something in the water. )
Marina and Krista (1991 ish)

Elena and Finn (2009)
Kendra and Krista (1995 ish) Walker and Finn (2009)

PT (Brown-Robbins) 6/17/00-1/03/09
We lost PT Saturday night. It was both unexpected and probably a long time coming. We loved him with all our heart. Todd and I were both in the room and Todd held him and talked to him through the whole thing.
There are so many PT stories I don't even know where to start. I need to write them all down so that we never forget them.
PT was in a rap music video with the rapper Fabulous. He is in the video about 2 and half minutes in it.
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There are so many PT stories I don't even know where to start. I need to write them all down so that we never forget them.
PT was in a rap music video with the rapper Fabulous. He is in the video about 2 and half minutes in it.
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