Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Six Flags, NJ.

Finn went on his first roller coaster. He wasn't quite sure about it but had a huge grin on his face when the ride was over. He went on the teacups and lots of other kiddie rides. It could have been a disaster but he seemed to really enjoy himself.
Getting ready for the roller coaster. Looking for Mommy.

Half way there

Cradle ride. We went up and around. Very high. Finn waved to Daddy everytime we came around.
Looney Toon ball pit. Which he LOVED!


The worst Wiggles show ever in the world!
Getting ready for the (again, worst) Wiggles Show.

Even and 1 1/2 year old watched it like . . .."what the hell . . . "
Cars. He got to "drive"

Making sure Daddy is still waiting for us.

And the movies.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

17 months old

Here is 17 month old Finn "Sinatra" Robbins

On the phone.

He definitely had something to tell my mom.

1, 2, 3

There is a certain Yo Gabba Gabba that Finn will count to. As they say each number, he says the next number.

I didn't get him saung 1 - but here's 2 and 3.


He say's this a lot.

Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, ummmm, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy

Book worm

He's very in to his books right now. Some are read, some are thrown, some are very quickly flipped through.

Here is some book time.

Coming out of the closet

His favorite game this week is climbing in to my closet and waiting for me to say, "oh NO, where's Finn", at which point he pops out and laughs hysterically.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Finn enjoys. . . Finn.

Finn finds great joy in talking to his reflection. I have to say, this is 100% my favorite age. It's like some one turned on the light and he's on warp speed. He's say 10 new words a day and just amazes me. About 20 seconds in to this video you'll see him count 1. 2. 3. And then later he says A.B.C. I just can't believe he knows that! He LOVES music SO much and will dance at the first hint of music playing. (Warning - this is a 3 minute video)

Finn and Joey . . . I don't know what to say.

She only has one tooth left so we're not too concerned about Finn getting hurt. We are afraid, however that Joey is going to give herself a heart attack.

Finn, Mommy and Central Park

Boy do we love Central Park. And I am a big fan of Fall. We are taking in every last day that we can.

Good Night

More talking

He's picking up words fast and furiously. He's got "Hi" and "Bye Bye" down pat and uses them a lot. My favorite thing that he says (as you'll see repeatedly in the videos) is cookie. I just think it's so cute. He was obsessed with the word (name) Liz the other night and said it about 100 times in a row.

Here is a small sample.

Dog parade

This was one of the most idiotic things I have ever done. We entered Joey in to a dog parade and Best in Show contest. We made it through the parade and long enough for Joey to "walk the red carpet". We were number 29 of about 200. We didn't stick around to see if we won.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Finger Painting

I don't know . . . .

It sounded like a good idea at the time . . . .

I've been wrong before. I'll be wrong again.

Chili Pepper Festival - Brooklyn NY

Todd was working the Chili Pepper Festival today at the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens.

Finn learned how to "stop and smell the roses" today.

Finn needed to discuss something with his father.

So here's the deal. I turned around for 10 seconds, leaving Finn with Todd. When I turned back around there were several photographers snapping away. I looked to see who they were photographing . . . . Finn watches Todd perform.