Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My new best friend?

This is off of one my "pregnancy boards". I think I want her to be my new best friend.

melisa4(Vip) - 23.4 hours ago I may be VERY crabby today, but I just went to that Name My Baby site to check out the names...are these women serious? Usually, I'd keep this to myself (Not my kid...not my problem)...but I really think they believe they're naming puppies or something! And just because you can add an 'h' or a 'y' or a 'z' DOESN'T mean you should...I'm starting to think I'm in the minority of people who take into consideration how this kid's gonna carry the name throughout his/her entire life...Seriously, I don't ever believe that there will every be a Supreme Court Justice named 'Delicious Diamond Dawson'...how does that not qualify as child abuse? and neglect? Sorry--I feel slightly better--If I could yell at some of these women, face-to-face, I'd feel 100% better...thanks, Mommies!

Now Listen! I am very aware that this is coming from a woman (myself) who is most likely naming her child Phineus Taylor Robbins (hence forth to be called Finn). However, if our child ends up being a Supreme Court Justice, something has gone horribly, horribly wrong.


Anonymous said...

you also forgot to mention that your kid's gonna have the same initials as your dog. but hey... your my boss so i'd never point out anything like that.

Casey Kennedy said...

You could always name him Aquilla and call him Quill. I think that's an AWESOME name!

Or Casey - Casey means vigilent, noisy, alert, or watchful (hmmmm, I'm none of those things...)

But Finn is good, and means "Oracle" (so the Supreme Court Justice thing may come back to bite ya. He may end up being the Oracle of the Laws of the Land much like Antonin Scalia or Chief Justice John Roberts. Sorry to be ther bearer of such news...)


JG Bear said...

Shouldn't the kid's name be Phinn?

Will he be born with a silver nail in his nose?

These are the things that keep me up at night.