Saturday, May 31, 2008

One week old. Let the adventures begin!

First of all, I don't know why the number on the baby counter thing is going up. I tried to get rid of the whole thing but it's not working.

Finn was one week old yesterday and we had lots of adventures. First we went to a breastfeeding support class with my mom. Although we're not having any problems with it, I wanted to get him weighed to make sure he was getting enough. And he is. He actually weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces and was born at 5 / 13. I almost had a heart attack - but they weighed him with his clothes on, so he's really like 6 pounds 2 or 3 ounces. Still good though. I also got some great tips that ended up letting me get sleep for three hours straight two times last night.

Then we went to tea. Yes tea. My mother got hysterical when I told her what we were doing. I guess we don't strike her as the "going to tea" kinda people.

Then we tried out the stroller and walked up to my mom's apartment.

We had a good nights sleep last night and everyone is happy.

Finn gets to meet Grandpa tonight and go up to Central Park with our friend Camron.

From 5/30/08 - One week old
"Our adventure begins. Time to get out of my pajamas"

"Where the hell are we going? To tea? Oh for God's sake. Ridiculous!"

"So this is the good Ole' Upper West Side, huh Daddy"?

"Mommy had to go find somewhere to nurse. Wasn't easy. We ended up on a stoop right outside the restaurant"

"OK, people. That's enough of that. I'm tired. And why am I in the dog bed?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kirsta and Mr. Todd,
I am so thrilled for you both. He is the perfect baby! I'm sitting here bawling my eyes out and I just couldn't be happier for you! Congratulations. Your family is even more attractive now - if that were possible. Miss you guys. GET SOME SLEEP!!!xoxoxo Eva, Marco & Molly