Saturday, February 28, 2009

Brooklyn Children's Museum 2-27-09

Shannon and Eliza have been in town and we've been able to hang out a few times. Friday we went to the Brooklyn Children's Museum and it was fabulous. Perfect. Perfect. Todd read to Finn in the "reading room"
Eliza and Shannon played peekaboo with us
We then moved over to the foam blocks section
We spent most of our time in the "baby" section of the toddler part of the museum Finn took a short nap in the bjorn and then went right back to daddy Next stop was the music section
There were lots of "musical instruments" for the baby's to bang on
And Todd was more than happy to show them how it's done
Pilot Finn

I did a puppet show for Finn and Eliza (it's no Bob Brown Puppets . . . .but hey . . .)
My audience

The kid and I

The last stop in the baby section was this water adventure. It was by far Finn's favorite

Really. He REALLY loves water
Shannon tried to entertain them by doing a Chinese Dragon Dance. Not so much.
We ended the day by watching turtles and fish.
Eliza was way more excited about the kids on the other side of the tank and Finn was just wanting Mommy.

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