Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Peoria, Ill

We were in Peoria this past week. Todd was in a Ragtime Piano convention.

This is us at the airport getting ready to go. We brought Joey with us.

When we got to the hotel there was a huge king size bed. Nothing cuter than a naked baby in a big huge all white bed.

We went out on a boat on Friday. Todd played piano while Finn and I walked back and forth on the boat.
Finn "played" the piano with Daddy

Lunch in the park with Joey and Finn. It actually looks like they get along in this picture.

Before there was a mommy and Finn, there was a mommy and Joey.
He practiced his walking
Saturday night we put Finn in Todd's show. He was doing a Sideshow Night and Finn was the Tattooed Man!
This is us onstage. Super dark picure but you get the point.

We drove to my Aunt Sue's on Sunday. My cousin's Michelle's little girl, Sydney turned 4 the day after Finn's b-day. Michelle has another baby coming in August.

Monday morning. This is what I call the "Elmo Stuper" as he watches Sesame Street.

We went over to Michelle's house for dinner and Finn got some birthday presents.

And played guitar

Flying home. Pulling out all the stops to entertain him.

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