Thursday, May 7, 2009

Walking and Talking (ish)

I come home from work for lunch every day to feed Finn and hang out with him for 45 minutes. Today when I walked in the door he was sitting on the kitchen floor, looked up at me and with a huge smile said, “Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii”
It was very cute and whether or not he meant to say Hi, or his babble just sounded like Hi, I am considering this his first word. And while he's no Eliza, who says many, many words, CLEARLY, he's getting there.

And Wednesday night we went out to dinner (Greek food – all of which Finn ate, there is nothing he will not eat). He got a little fussy in the highchair, so I took him out and was walking him over to the window. I usually stand above him and hold both his hands. He took ONE of my hands and walked across the room, LEADING ME to the window. So although he didn’t really walk on his own, he held my hand, it was crazytown watching him walk across the room.

Now it’s going by too fast!

Oh, and now we have two bottom teeth.

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