Tuesday, November 24, 2009

One and a half years old!!!!

Finn turned 18 months old yesterday.

He is very funny and exhausting and just plain fabulous. He says "Oh no" a lot. Mommy and Daddy are his other two big ones. If you ask him what mommy says he goes "No, No, NO" and wags his finger. He is starting to put sentences together. His first official sentence was the other day and he said "Kitty go bye bye". I was kind of amazed. He sees animals in books and on TV and will either say their name or make their sound. It seems that he turned 18 months old and everything started to fall in to place for him and make more sense. He likes to tickle us. He mimics everything we do. He takes a shower with me many mornings. I kept thinking he was trying to get out of the shower because he would put his foot on the side of the tub. I finally realized he was trying to "shave his legs". Too funny that kid.

Here are a few pictures. With his new buddy Owen

And his buddy Oliver

He loves to read his books
Some video

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