Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Busy Day

We had a VERY busy day on Sunday. I've been working a lot so Finn and I spent the morning just playing and being buddiesAnd he fed me oranges

We went down to Soho to the Children's Art Museum. We went back in August - but it went a little better this time. Four months older made a big difference.

My new favorite picture. He was VERY excited about the ball pit.

The "drawing wall". I don't think he liked the other kid's "art"

He got to paint. Last time he ate the paint. This time he painted.

His favorite part of the art museum was when he got to. . . .wash his hands.

Then I took him over to see the show I'm working on right now called Groovaloo. I slipped in the back of the mezzanine with him. I figured he would last maybe 15 minutes or so. Once again, like the circus he LOVED LOVED LOVED it. He was dancing and laughing and grinning ear to ear. I couldn't take pictures during their show so I have a clip from their website

Waiting for the show to start.

Then we walked over to XR Bar to hang out with baby Sam (my god son - and yes he did spit up on my shoulder)

Finn was thrilled he got to play with Thea, who is just the sweetest dog. Babies, dogs, friends. That's my kinda bar!!!!

Need I say more?

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