Monday, June 30, 2008

New toy. The MIRROR!!!!

The mirror scared the hell out of him for about 30 seconds. I was about to pick him up when . . . . he realized he's actually quite cute.


Although it's gas and not a real smile, it's still the cutest thing ever in the world

How old is this baby?

I swear he looks five months old to me and not five weeks!!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Pennsylvania 6-28-08

We had a lovely afternoon at Michael and Karen's amazing house in Pennsylvania on Saturday.

*note - Todd has a cuban cigar, wine and rum. He was a very happy, chillaxed fella.

Joey's haircut

Joey has had hair (fur - whatever) issues for a few years now. We had her cut down about three summers ago and the hair on her back never grew back. Then about a year ago, she started getting little bald patches. Then, she had strange clumps of . . .like, puppy hair that started growing in. To make a long story short, she looked demented. So Todd brought her in to the groomer to even things out.

Um . . . .Oh. My. God.

Monday, June 23, 2008

1 month old

Finn is a month old today and he looks so much bigger (at least to me). He weighs about 9 pounds (so he's gained a little over three pounds in a month). I think all of the weight gain has gone to his cheeks. We've been out and about quite a bit. We've gone down to Virginia, we've been out to quite a few restaurants, we were at a wedding this past weekend. Our dance card has been very full. So he's a very well traveled kid so far. He has changed a lot just in this past week. He will focus on us and he reaches out to grab things (mainly just my face right now). He is much more vocal and makes lots of grunting sounds. There's no doubt he's a little boy - he sounds like a little boy.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

"Smile for the camera"

I know a fake smile "cause the camera's in your face" when I see one. I'm talking about Finn. My fake smile is 100% real !! Wait . . . .what?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Social Security

Apparently the Social Security office thinks my child's name is Phincas, not Phineas. Although funny . . . . , I have a feeling this is going to take forever to clear up. Maybe we should just call him Fink instead of Finn.

Practicing his Flying Ebola Brothers again.

Happy Father's Day

Like father like son. This is what I woke up to Father's Day morning

And Happy Father's Day to my dad!

Finn is slowly but surely meeting all his peeps

Finn's attorney, Jenn
Uncle Peter

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

We enjoy him!

That's right. He's smiling. Yes, I know, it gas but I choose to believe it's a smile.

Friday, June 6, 2008

"I give you The Flying Ebola Brothers . . . Take a bow."

OK, this is only funny if you know Todd's act or saw him do Carnival Knowledge. If your familiar with the Flying Ebola Brothers, this is HI-larious. If your not familiar, never mind.
(I didn't pose him like this FYI - he's just channeling his father)

What are you lookin at, punk?

Monday, June 2, 2008

First bath - Sunday 6/2/08

Grandpa and Puppet Shows

My dad came up over the weekend. He performed one of his puppet shows at the Bowery Poetry Club. So Finn got to meet Grandpa, see a puppet show and go to the Lower East Side to boot.

We will have been home a week tomorrow and all of our little adventures, plus the three hours MAX sleep a night is starting to catch up with me. My mom went back to Virginia with my dad yesterday, so I guess we're officially on our own.