Monday, December 10, 2007

It's a BOY!!!

We're 16 weeks today. Four months along. And it looks like it's a boy. We were pretty sure it was a boy. I was 100% sure until Friday when I started doubting myself. I just think I was afraid I was going to be told it was a girl and then have to doubt all my instincts. Every friend we were around told us they were positive it was a boy. And everyone was right. That baby must have some major testosterone going on for everyone to be SO sure. We went in for ultrasound today and everything looks great. As the technician was winding down I ask her if it was to early to tell the sex. She said, 'no, not at all. You wanna know?" "Yes" we both said. "Looks like a boy". Todd got a grin on his face ear to ear. She pointed out all of his extremities. The only thing I recognized was a foot and his head. The rest of it looked like a blurry cloud. So there you go. I see mini zoot suits and mini spats in the baby's future.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A boy! Congratulations, you two. I'm so happy for you. I love the sonogram pic. I'm thinking Todd has to take periodic pregnant belly pics so you can post those too.