Sunday, April 13, 2008

Cinderella . . .OK, what was I thinking?

So I went off to do a weeks worth of performances of Cinderella with the Baltimore Symphony. This, was with my parents puppet company. I've known for the past year that these shows were coming up. Back in November being two months pregnant, we were down in DC for Thanksgiving. My mother brought up the fact that mid April there were these symphony performances and was there anyone who could step in for me?

This is where the I Am Woman, I Am Strong thing kicked it. Of course not. I can do the shows. I'll be 8 1/2 months pregnant . . . not dead. Of course I'll do the shows. My mom was cool with it, my father, not so much. I got permission from three different doctors that this would be fine.

Two - thirty minutes shows a day was not the problem. It was the eight hours of rehearsal a few days before we went into the run that killed me. In my head, I had wonderful images of doing the show, pregnant-shmegment. Nothing would keep me down. Totally blocking out the whole rehearsal, load in / load out part of it. So, day one. After a few hours of rehearsal every part of my body was screaming. I'm thinking . . . I've made a horrible, horrible mistake by taking this on, I was SO done with it. My back hurt, my hips hurt, my ankles hurt. I had heartburn, I was over-tired and I had to pee every 7 and a half minutes.

Now, like I say, once we got to the actual performances with the orchestra, I was fine. So here for your viewing pleasure are a few pictures from Baltimore Symphony's 2008 Cinderella, featuring the Bob Brown Puppets.

(Then I'll throw in a picture of me doing it a few years ago to show that I didn't always look like a huge, gigantic, preggo -doing puppets - pure vanity - I know).


Rehearsal and over it

Below is how I looked in my head

OK, this last one is a few years old . . . I may have been sleepy, but I was skinny and sleepy.

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